Gravity Chemicals

Heubach Hansa Yellow 10G

Heubach Hansa Yellow 10G is a pigment with good fastness to light and weathering for air-drying paints. It is particularly suitable for green mixtures because of its pure greenish shade. Because of the high risk of blooming, Heubach Hansa Yellow 10G is not suitable for stoving enamels.


  1. Very good light fastness
  2. Recommended for air drying paints

The price of the Heubach Hansa Yellow 10G often varies, but the latest price is not yet available.

Heubach Hansa Yellow 10G, when talking about this pigment, you need to know its performance and characteristics. As a pigment the Hansa Yellow 10 G is good for light and weather. It is suitable for green mixes due to air-drying paints but pure greenish shade. It is not suitable as there is a high risk of it naturally occurring during flowering. The clarifier Hansa Yellow 10G is similar in nature to the cadmium pigment.

It is more absorbent to light, and as a pigment the Hansa Yellow 10 G has good speed of light and air-drying paints, benefiting from its pure green shade. This is because Hansa Yellow 10G is especially suitable for green mixes.  Enamels are not suitable for bonding, as they are more likely to bloom.

Want to know what Hansa Yellow is made of? It has other names, also known as Aryl Yellow, Hansa Yellow and Monoso Yellow; in fact it is a family of organic compounds used as pigments. They are mainly used in industrial paints, including plastics, building paints and inks.

The pigment called Hansa Yellow is in good demand all over the world. There is more to be said about Hansa Yellow, i.e., Hansa Yellow is a bold primary yellow. Its brightness and opacity are remarkable, Hansa yellow cadmium is brighter and less opaque than yellow light and cooler than azo yellow. Pigment composition – Aryl yellow (PY3) structure and stability. It is also doubtful whether the Hansa yellow is poisonous. There are currently no environmental or toxic issues associated with Hansa Yellow. The tinting strength of Hansa Yellow Opaque is much higher than expected from Arylide, and is close to the nature of cadmium pigment, or in other words cadmium pigment and Hansa yellow are similar in many respects.

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C.I.Name:Pigment Yellow 3
