Gravity Chemicals

  1. Description
  • Emulsified cationic acrylamide copolymer in oil.
  • Cationic thickener for acid aqueous compositions
  1. Characteristics
  • Viscosity: 200-2000 cps
  • pH: 3.0-5.0
  • Actives: 55-57%
  • Dosage: 0.1-5%

What makes it special?

  • Compatible with cationic surfactants, esterquats and amidoamines
  • Can be added at any point of the mixing process.
  • No neutralization.
  • No temperature sensitivity.
  • Superior dispersion and performance than Modified Celluloses or Modified Starch.
  • Provides richer appearance, more durable softening and silky feeling.