Soho Aneco AC818 Coco Glucoside is a readily biodegradable, low toxic and non-ionic surfactant. Soho Aneco AC818 Coco Glucoside is used in shampoo, bubble bath, leaning lotion and personal care, because of it mildness, foaming performance and ability to reduce irritation.
Your interest in knowing what cocoa glucoside is quiet natural. As, we all know, there are many natural products available in the market. They have less harmful side effects than chemically sensitive products, so they can be applied on the skin without any confusion. One such surfactant is cocoa glucoside (alkyl glucoside). It is a natural surfactant derived from coconut; it has many specialties and is a natural surfactant that can be used to reduce the surface tension of liquids and to improve the washing process.
Need to know, if Coco Glucoside is safe for the skin?, experiments so far have shown that Cocoa Glucoside is a surfactant that can be applied to the skin without concern, of this with ultra-mild cleansing properties, cocoa glucoside is suitable for all skin types. This is an ideal combination for soft formulations, especially for natural products for sensitive skin. Doubts about this a therefore irrelevant, as Cocoa Glucoside is widely used in the manufacture of natural products worldwide.
Cocoa glucoside can be accurately identified as natural or synthetic. it is 100% naturally occurring surfactant, it can be defined in another way, Cocoa glucoside is a non-ionic, naturally occurring surfactant in the alkyl poly glucoside (APG) family. Cocoa glucoside is milder than conventional ionic surfactants because it is derived from plant sugars and fatty alcohols.