Gravity Chemicals, Your One-Stop Shop for the best Concrete Floor Protection with Jotun’s Jotafloor System

Gravity Chemicals, Your One-Stop Shop for the best Concrete Floor Protection with Jotun’s Jotafloor System

At Gravity Chemicals, we understand the importance of strong, reliable flooring solutions. Concrete floors are a popular choice for car parks, warehouses, and other high-traffic areas. But constant wear and tear can take a toll. That’s where the innovative Jotafloor Traffic Deck System from Jotun comes in, and Gravity Chemicals is your trusted supplier for this complete floor protection solution.

Advantages of Jotafloor Traffic Deck

Consider a crowded parking lot with a concrete floor. Every day, cars are continuously driving over it. The surface would deteriorate, crack, and look ugly with time. Jotafloor Traffic Deck can help in this situation. It is revolutionary in safeguarding concrete floors in regions with heavy traffic. This is the reason why:

Unbeatable Toughness: 

Jotafloor uses the latest technology with reinforced glass flake for support.  This produces an incredibly powerful shield that can easily handle large cars. It’s similar to protecting your floor.

Long-Lasting Beauty:

Jotafloor has amazing resistance to abrasion.This guarantees that even after years of heavy use, your floor will still look fantastic. You no longer have to be concerned about ugly cracks or worn-out patches.

Budget Friendly: 

Jotafloor is not only durable but also reasonably priced. You will save time and money on maintenance because it is very durable and simple to clean. Less repair, less scrubbing, and less cost.

Jotafloor: Your Complete Concrete Protection Toolbox

Gravity Chemicals, we understand that every project has unique needs. That’s why Jotafloor offers a variety of components you can mix and match to create the perfect solution for your concrete floor.

Jotafloor Sealer WB: Think of this as a supercharged primer. It’s a single-coat wonder that dries fast and penetrates deep into the concrete, creating a rock-solid foundation for the rest of the system.

Jotafloor Rapid Dry: This fast-drying, high-gloss coating provides excellent durability without the wait. Perfect for projects with tight deadlines.

Jotafloor Damp Bond: Working with freshly poured concrete can be tricky. Jotafloor Damp Bond is a specially formulated primer that solves this problem. It promotes strong adhesion even on high-moisture concrete surfaces.

Jotafloor Screed & Primer: Need a heavy-duty solution for areas with extreme wear and tear? This high-performance combo provides exceptional strength, chemical resistance, and top-notch abrasion resistance. It’s the ultimate shield for your concrete floor.

Jotafloor Epoxy Filler & Non-Slip Aggregate: Gravity Chemicals offers a high-strength epoxy filler for a smooth, flawless finish. And for car parks and traffic decks where safety is paramount, we also provide pre-bagged, slip-resistant aggregate that can be incorporated into the system for added traction.

Benefits of Joafloor

Jotafloor offers much more than just concrete floor protection. It provides an abundance of hidden advantages that can improve your space’s total value, functionality, and beauty. Here’s a closer look at a few of these benefits:

Aesthetics with Substance: Jotafloor maintains your concrete’s integrity without losing appearance. There are several eye-catching colours available for the final PU finish. This enables you to produce a surface that enhances the general look of your room and is visually appealing. Jotafloor can accommodate your concept, either it’s a slick, business-like ambiance in a factory or a modern industrial style in a storage space.

Effortless Cleaning, Maximum Efficiency:  Jotafloor is a dream come true for maintenance crews.  The system boasts excellent waterproofing properties.  Spills and splashes bead up on the surface, making them easy to wipe away.  Additionally, Jotafloor’s exceptional durability translates to a low-maintenance floor.  Unlike traditional concrete, it won’t require frequent waxing, polishing, or patching. This translates to significant cost savings on cleaning supplies and labor over the long term.

Fast Track to Project Completion: Jotafloor Damp Bond is revolutionary for projects with constrained timeframes. Applying this specifically made primer on “green concrete”—concrete that is still fresh and has a high moisture content—is possible. Historically, protective coatings were applied to concrete floors only after they had dried completely, which could cause major delays in project completion dates. By doing away with this waiting time, Jotafloor Damp Bond enables you to proceed with your project faster.

Versatility beyond Car Parks: Although Jotafloor is particularly effective at safeguarding heavily trafficked concrete parking lots, its uses are not limited to this. This adaptable technique works well in a variety of settings, including

Warehouses: Jotafloor shields concrete against impact damage, chemical spills, and normal wear and tear by withstanding the heavy machinery and continuous activity found in warehouses.

Factories: Harsh chemicals and aggressive substances are frequently used in industrial environments. The chemical resistance of Jotafloor guarantees the integrity of the concrete floor and worker safety.

High-activity Areas: Jotafloor’s stain resistance and simplicity of cleaning are advantageous for any area that sees a lot of foot activity. This applies to retail establishments, hospitals, and schools.


We at Gravity Chemicals are grateful to be the suppliers of the Jotafloor Traffic Deck System. In order to fulfil your unique needs and guarantee that your concrete floors are preserved for many years to come, our team of professionals can assist you in selecting the  Jotafloor products.

Get in touch with Gravity Chemicals right now to go over your needs for protecting your concrete floors and see how the Jotafloor Traffic Deck System may change your space. 





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