Gravity Chemicals


  1. Description
  • Crosslinked Anionic Polymer in Aqueous emulsion.
  • Compatible with a variety of cationic conditioning polymers in anionic / amphoteric surfactant systems.
  1. Characteristics
  • Viscosity: <100 cps
  • pH: 2.1-4.0
  • Actives: 29-31%
  • Dosage: 7%-10%

What makes it special?

  • High Suspending, Stabilizing and Thickening Agent
  • Provides Transparent Formulations
  • Synergistic Thickening with Salt
  • Excellent stability in surfactants
  • “Back-Acid” thickening (adding citric or other acid to a neutralized system), resulting in a final product down to pH 3.8.