Gravity Chemicals

Heubach Hostaperm Blue CBR

Heubach Hostaperm Blue CBR is a reddish phthalocyanine pigment (alpha modification, non – solvent stable grade) and has colour strength and all round outstanding fastens properties.

In the vast world of pigments there are some pigments that make significant contributions. One such pigment is the Heubach hostaperm blue SBR. Heubach Hostaperm Blue CBR is the best in every sense, in terms of quality, it has modification, non solvent stable grade ad colour strength and all-round. It also has excellent fastness properties.

Hostaperm Blue CBR/Organic Pigment/Blue, it has vast industrial potential. Blue pigment is an organic compound that is widely used in the rubber and plastics industries to make coloured components. In other words, Heubach offers Hostaperm Blue CBR to the rubber and plastics industry as part of its use.

Products Name:Hostaperm Blue CBR
Code No.:4201562
Chemical Class:Copper phthalocyanine – Alpha modification
Colour Index Name:Pigment Blue 15
Colour Index No.:74160
Basic Pigment C A S No.:147-14-8

Hostaperm Blue CBR is a reddish phthalocyanine pigment (alpha modification, non solvent stable grade) having colour strength and all round outstanding fastness properties.

Specific Gravity at 20°c:1.600
Sieve Residue:0.1 % max
Moisture Content:1.0 % max
pH of Water Extract:6.0 to 8.0
Specific Conductivity:< 0.5 ms cm-1

Hostaperm Blue CBR and Hostaperm Blue B2G 03 pigment of the same genus. It is also very beneficial. Blue B2G 03 pigment optimized for easy scattering. Optimal tinning strength can be achieved by bead milling in a relatively short period of time. In many solvent-based paint systems, dispersion with a high speed dissolver is sufficient. Simplified dispersion process results in cost-effective production of pigment dispersants. Additionally, dispersions made with Hostaperm Blue B2G 03 can add colour to the new generation of low-cost VOC decorative paints. In short, Hostaperm Blue makes undeniable contributions to all types of pigments, (including Hostaperm Blue B2G 03) in the chemical/consumer manufacturing industry.

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C.I.Name:Pigment Blue 15:0
