Gravity Chemicals


INCI: Tocopheryl Acetate

TRI-K Vitamin E Acetate is the esther of acetic acid and tocopherol. It is an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. TRI-K Vitamin E Acetate provides moisturization to help smooth & hydrate the skin.

Vitamin E Acetate

INCI: Tocopheryl Acetate

It is actually an ester of acetic acid and tocopherol, not only that it is also an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It also provides moisturization to help smooth and hydrate the skin.

Used in moderation, healthy amounts of vitamin E are good for you, no discussion there, Not only is it a fat-soluble vitamin, it is naturally found in many of the healthy foods you eat every day. On a related not, what is the vitamin E acetate used in some popular vaping products and why does it seems so harmful?

Vitamin E is sometimes becoming a dangerous common ingredient, and while vitamin E is available through foods, dietary supplements, and in many cosmetic products such as skin creams, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have identified vitamin E acetate as a common ingredient in many marijuana vaping products.

Vitamin E acetate may not cause harm when taken as a supplement or applied to the skin through a cream, but studies have shown that vitamin E acetate can cause harm in certain situations, especially when inhaled. Its sticky oily substance can stick to lung tissues, causing disease. However direct correlation and influence are still rigorously studied, tested and analyzed.

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